Monday, February 21, 2011

Story: Realization Seven

It took me some time to get back here thanks to various reasons (the foremost being flu). Nevertheless, it's here. The seventh realization. It's about the sheep-people. No explanation necessary I believe.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Story: Realization Six

New story. New Realization. I recall the entire Realization series was put on hold as I had some work to do back in October or November. I managed to convince myself to continue sometime around December. Sitting on a train (I'm starting to like travelling by train), I began thinking of possible idea for the sixth realization. Funnily, a story wasn't that hard to come by and instead of realizing the "plot" of the sixth realization, I ended up with three others. Anyway, the sixth one is about quantity and it's relativity (and quite a large list of other things). Or so I'd like to think.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Story: Realization Five

The next realization is about death and the concept of nothing (and the fact that we depend on our human point of view too much, thinking it's the only true one). There are things that are hard to grasp out there, but exploring them might be of a certain benefit. Well, the Realizations are getting darker with this one.