Sunday, March 27, 2011

Story: Realization Ten

Update in a moment. This is the Realization Ten. The closing realization. It's also the shortest of them all. Its quite grandiose in scale of people involved in contrast to all the other realizations. It's about war. People in the global point of view. Ants and pawns. That kind of thing.

Realization Ten

War. Many deaths. Much suffering. Billions of lives worth massacres for a single purpose. Countless conspiracies, endless lies and trickeries for a single reason. Greed.

It was easy to change the world by the swing of a pen – the heart was twisted and cold, why would it bleed for those it sacrificed? A tool, an instrument for gaining power – that was what people were.

Yet life went on. Men died either way. Peacefully or by the sword. There was no difference. There was no difference between life and death. There was no difference between a densely populated, prosperous planet and a barren, ashen, lifeless planet.

His eyes were flashing in an overwhelming terror at one second, brimming with inexplicable determination at next and glowing in apathy at another.

The war was raging over the entire globe. Soldiers engaging one another. Deadly poison killing thousands of civilians. Bombs and missiles exploding and devastating cities.

He watched many people scream in agony. Curl in pain. Die in fear. He saw towns lay in ruins. And he realized he was a tool, an instrument of that carnage. Killing, slaughtering, desecrating. In the name of somebody with lust for power. In the name of somebody who couldn't ever imagine the horrible suffering the pointless conquest brought. In the name of a deluded individual.

In the name of that one, he got shot. He got wounded severely. He bled until his skin went pale and his body motionless.

Masses were never led by a righteous mind. No man was ever fit to lead. Yet life went on. Men died either way. Peacefully or by the sword. There was no difference. There was no difference between life and death. There was no difference between a densely populated, prosperous planet and a barren, ashen, lifeless planet. Man was not. And that was all.

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